Hypertext BlockChain Solutions software
After the crypto-currencies, the future of the BlockChain registers is HyperText

Processus BlockChain Hypertexte
Compatible with the W3C standards, everything in our solution is process

POC realization
Before you engage in a complex process, validate the value delivered by the HyperText BlockChain to your context



This phase of the BlockChain process allows individuals to contribute to their environment, negotiate the status of collective contributions or transactions between people. This phase is assisted by hypertext algorithms

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This phase of the BlockChain process allows people to decide what content should be sealed, and to establish the record of origin. This phase is assisted by distributed algorithms


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This phase of the BlockChain process allows people to seal their undertakings, acts and contributions at the top of the chain of blocks. This information becomes intangible and unalterable. This phase is assisted by cryptographic algorithms

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Visionary and designer of a technological breakthrough : the Hypertext Blockchain


Mezzònomy is selling a technology allowing to "blockchain" hypertext elaboration of any digital document (spreadsheet, report, presentation, digital mock-up, website, application, regulation, contract, etc ...).

This technology opens new perspectives to facilitate Blockchain 3.0 implementation in the area of ​​SmartContracts, As A Service Billing and Security (IoT). 


Mezzònomy was founded in 2015 by Pierre Gradit, former student ENS of Lyon, PhD in Computer Science.

The result of a decade of research over decentralized cooperative organizations, the Hypertext Blockchain technology is currently under experiment in several sectors (Insurance, Health, Logistics, Industry).

Based on the W3C standards, Mezzonomy solutions allows to deal both with currency tokens AND data property AND juridic continuity of any person willing to cooperate in any kind of group where Bitcoin & Ethereum are only limited to crypto-currency management.